I'm n0T pErFeCt..NeiTHeR aRe y0u...

Every now and then we all want something Even if there's no way of gettin' it If i stomach that thats the way it must be Be the way around it, could I get myself around it

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Haha...actually bowling is not one of my favourite games..even though i've played for few times..tapi masih lagi tak "terer" mcm my mama n others..huhu..what i know, to play thisa game, we have to stay focus..that's what my mama said..(^_^)

Merdeka Day aritu, Luthfi n Pyob ajak main bowling kt JJ..hehe...nasib baik Nini n Fido ade..so bley la ajak teman gi JJ..ajak kawan2 yang len, sumernye sibuk gi bercuti la..prepare nk bertunang la..ishk ishk...never mind..bowling pon enjoy jugak!!
Sampai je kat JJ, Misya n Am (Adik misya) pon ade...huhu malu la me sorg lawan 4 lelaki...mesti kalah..trus decide taknak main...tp kene pakse jugak ngn diorg soh main..so, main jer la...
Haha first game, me yg last sekali...huhu..second game...yes! yes! me dapat mengalahkan Misya..hehehe...jgn marah eh misya...heheheheh(^_^)

Last 2 days, student DMT 6 plak ajak gi main bowling kat Taiping...ingtkan 2-3 org je nk men ..rupeernye...ade la dalam 10-15 orang...bes jugak!! tp as usual, demoralize jugak mula2..coz xtau kehebatan masing2..hehe..malu jugak kalo lecturer baling masuk longkang..walaupon, just for fun, my mission...i mesti touch 100points..alhamdulillah, dapat jugak no2 for the first game..itupon kalah 1 mata je dengan muhaimin =p second game tak pasti no bape...no2 jugak kot...hehehe...

Dear all DMT 6,

Congratulations to all of you! Akhirnye, berjaya jugak menamatkan pembelajaran di Kolej Multimedia (Utara) selama 7 semester..Selamat menempuh hari2 seterusnya..All the best in wutever u do..Keep in touch! Take care!