I'm n0T pErFeCt..NeiTHeR aRe y0u...

Every now and then we all want something Even if there's no way of gettin' it If i stomach that thats the way it must be Be the way around it, could I get myself around it

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hari Keluarga + Malam Anugerah

Pagi2 da excited nak bangun coz ade senamrobik..dah lame tak senaman..teringin sangat nak belajar Tarian Poco-poco...Cibec Graduation Nite aritu, students wat tarian poo-poco...rase nak menari mase tu pon ade tp xde partner =( Pagi semlm, berpeluh la jugak wat senamrobik..senamrobik ade music...bes skit...ketua senamrobik, Meme DMT8 and the gang pon pandai wat senaman ikut music...kalo ade lagi jemput yer (^_^)

lepas senamrobik acara sukaneka...me dpt grup DMT 6..cayalah DMT 6!!! acara yang dinanti-nantikan..hikhik...1 game, lastik bola pingpong..sape paling jauh dia menang...ishk susah tul nak lastik pakai getah..dpt no last kot..huhu.then, game makan buah pear yang digantung di pokok dengan tgn terikat. hehe aksi mcm org bcium pon ade.Suhana n Yati, kalo nk video tue, meh dtg amik kat saye (^_^) dapat jugak no 3..tp no 3 xde adiah..huhu pastu acara ape ntah...tp untuk lelaki jer...kaki sumer kene ikat..then, kene masukkan gelung smpi org terakhir.

Penat mjerit sokong..tp xmenang jugak..hahaha acara paling tak suke...amik gula-gula dalam tepung..huhu hbs muke kene tepung...patutnye kene amik satu2..tp me gigit 2 biki terus...ekeke...ngelat=p we won...14 biji...ehehe..pastu acara bowling kelapa..huhu dr sukaneka kt kmpung lg, i mmg xreti bowling kelape..bukan setakat kelapa jer...nk bowl kt JJ/Greentown pon susah nk dpt strike..(xde a=la asyik masuk longkang jer =p) , but this time, w/p i score 0 pin..hehe..my teammates bjaye jatuhkn botol2 air tu...caya la!! total score 34 pins..hehe

last acara, acara tarik tali..ekeke..kelakar beb...poyo2 la nak teriak tahan/tarik for my team..alih2, xsampai pon 2 minit da kalah...huhu...but, i really enjoyed the games..w/p malam tu xcukup tido+penat byk keje...but,still had a good time together..

sebelah malam plak..Malam Anugerah...tema batik..(at first, tema era 60an..tp disebabkn ramai tgh pokai nak beli baju 60an..jd diorg tukar tema batik) so, mlm ni la nk tgk student bgaye cantik molek...smart encem bgaye...mcm2 style ade...paling bess, acara karoke...hehe..tak sangka my students ni rupernye ramai yang ade bakat terpendam...suare sedap...juara karoke Hidayah DMT8..suare mmg sodap...orgnye pon kecik molek jer...but, to me, the best performance goes to Kemek & Firdaus DMT7..mmg kelakar habis beb!!.. Firdaus yang i kenal, pendiam/pemalu org nyer..tp bile atas pentas...hahaha...xsangke boleh bersuare siap dengan aksi2 hebat lg...tahniah!!! yang i tertarik mlm tue, all the indian gurlz are wearing their traditional sari...so sweeeetttttttttt...cantekkkkkkkk...nak satu?? bile tengok diorg pakai, rase teringin nak pakai...kalo buat bj kurung mesti cantik kn? selepas acara penyampaian adiah, trus gerak ke bilik projek DMT6...observing my students...cian kene wat system balik...struggle for success...(^_^)


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