I'm n0T pErFeCt..NeiTHeR aRe y0u...

Every now and then we all want something Even if there's no way of gettin' it If i stomach that thats the way it must be Be the way around it, could I get myself around it

Thursday, August 23, 2007

the beginning of the new life..

Bulan 8 ni jer 3 kenduri kawen of my frenz..taqi (Asasi, UM), Siti Aminah (SMKASAS) and Loba (SMKASAS).. bulan2 akan datang ntah bape kenduri lagi nak kene gi..for sure, bulan 12 adalah bulan yang paling banyak kenduri...hopefully, tarikh diorg pilih xde yg overlap ngn sesape..huhu..kalo bley, i nak attend sumer kenduri kawan2...n hopefullly, my kenduri nanti, ramai jugak la yang datang..hehe bile tu yer?? too soon to talk about marriage..bukan xnk kawen awal but keadaan tidak mengizinkan..poor me =(

This week, bcuti 2 ari..coz student exam n ade yang cuti sem..student DMT 6..im gonna miss u all...kejap jer mase blalu...da nak habis semester kn? Ni kt cc ni, bingit dengan bebdk main game...huhu...so, 2 days @ home, tetibe datang mood untuk graphic...dr pg smpi ptg mengadap photoshop jer...actually, ade org yang menjadi my inspirations...abg fawz..i love his artworks!! i wanna be like him!! so artistic!! so creative!! gambar2 kt bawah ni sumernye hasil seni saya sendiri...im just a beginner..(^_^)

11 Ogos 2007..hari bersejarah buat Taqi & Siti..so sweettt..dah lame tak jumpe Taqi...nampak lain la bila jadi Raja Sehari..Tahniah buat Taqi & Siti. Nasib baik la Taqi da pindah kt Ipoh, Pekan Razaki..dekat skit nak gi..kerje pon da stabil..PTD beb!!

Yang paling bes, rakan-rakan yang dirindui, Huda n Qiqi pon sanggup turun dr KL semata-mata nak gi kenduri taqi..bukan senang nak suruh diorg ni turun Perak..Tak sangke juge, Syanteq, Pak Dan and the gang pon ade datang dr KL...da lame sgt tak jumpe beb!! rindu sama korang!! last jumpe korg pon mase matrik Asasi jer..oppss except for Huda n Qiqi...(^_^)

Apa-apa pun, me doa Taqi & Siti kekal bahagia sehingga ke hujung nyawa!!

Tanggal 18 Ogos 2007, giliran Siti Aminah & Hasrul di Klebang Restu, Ipoh pula menjadi Raja&Ratu Sehari..same cantik same encem...sesuai gituuu!! kalo xsilap, dah lame diorg ni bertunang, tapi senyap2..ishk2..tup tup tau tau jer da nk kawen...tahniah anyway!!

Rakan-rakan yang hadir, me, Tini, Oni, Nani, Ecah, Farah and Syikin..lelaki plak, Luthfi, Irwan, Haizam, Syazwan, Zawani and Azhar Amari.. Gumbira dpt berjumpa dengan sumer..almaklumla...masing-masing da keje..bukan senang nak kumpul ramai2 mcm ni..tunggu kenduri kawen jer la..lepas ni giliran sape pulak yer????!!!

Kenduri yang paling meriah, Zulhaimy & Nanie..pada 19 Ogos 2007 di Felda Nasaruddin, Bota, Perak..pasangan yang secocok...muka berseri-seri naik pelamin..hehe..
Antara yang hadir, ishk ramai pulak nk senaraikan nama...tgk jer la gambar kat atas tu...memandang ni kenduri kawan laki...so, ramai la laki-laki yang datang...yang da ku sekolah mase form 3 pon ade datang...masing-masing muke da len...bile ramai da kumpul, bsembang sampai taknak balik...satu row table tu, ktorg 1 sekolah jer yang conquer..hehe...tp nasib baik xramai org datang dah mase ktorg makan...sgt beshhhhhhhhhh!!!!
erm sebelum ke kenduri Loba, kami (me, Tini, and Nani) singgah la kt sek lama...saje nak tengok ape yang lain dr zaman kami dulu...huhu tp amat mengecewakan...rasenye, cantek lg sekolah tu mase zaman kami...tak perlu la terang dgn lebih lanjut..kalo nak, korg tgk sendiri la..huhu...tp skit2 tu ade la prubahan..mungkin sek tu da tlalu tua kot..huhu...bagi la wajah baru..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Actions Speak Louder than Words?

That's what i've learnt today @ SmartOrange Training - EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS (^_^) hehe i think, when i get back to Taiping, im going to play Chin to Cheek game with my students ... i wanna see whether they will be following my instructions or day-dreaming!!! It was an interesting game..we just did it this morning! u know wut i did?? haha i thot i was listening to the trainer...but, i was more focusing on what he did..yeahh! actions speak louder than words!!! u can do a test to urself and frenz to prove the theory..

thats why people remember what we did rather than what we said..and they will spread the story to all over the world!! trust me..this is what everyone did...sigh =(
My thots "Doa orang yang teraniaya akan termakbul..bersabarlah"

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Huhu no wonder la nobody drop a comment..im so sorry...tak perasan setting untuk comment ni lom tukar...Thanx Kak Mai sbb bitau...(^_^)

emm talking about comment, today is Presentation Day for Project II (DMT 6).. All the best to all! i know how nervous u are today...wondering what questions the panel gonna ask...n blablabla...dun worry! they wont bite u..hehe..they comment for good...take it as a positive side..make some improvements..n the most important is..what u've learnt from this project...

to all my supervisee.. nanti kite kua makan ramai2 yer...saya belanje makan. nak tak????!!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hari Keluarga + Malam Anugerah

Pagi2 da excited nak bangun coz ade senamrobik..dah lame tak senaman..teringin sangat nak belajar Tarian Poco-poco...Cibec Graduation Nite aritu, students wat tarian poo-poco...rase nak menari mase tu pon ade tp xde partner =( Pagi semlm, berpeluh la jugak wat senamrobik..senamrobik ade music...bes skit...ketua senamrobik, Meme DMT8 and the gang pon pandai wat senaman ikut music...kalo ade lagi jemput yer (^_^)

lepas senamrobik acara sukaneka...me dpt grup DMT 6..cayalah DMT 6!!! acara yang dinanti-nantikan..hikhik...1 game, lastik bola pingpong..sape paling jauh dia menang...ishk susah tul nak lastik pakai getah..dpt no last kot..huhu.then, game makan buah pear yang digantung di pokok dengan tgn terikat. hehe aksi mcm org bcium pon ade.Suhana n Yati, kalo nk video tue, meh dtg amik kat saye (^_^) dapat jugak no 3..tp no 3 xde adiah..huhu pastu acara ape ntah...tp untuk lelaki jer...kaki sumer kene ikat..then, kene masukkan gelung smpi org terakhir.

Penat mjerit sokong..tp xmenang jugak..hahaha acara paling tak suke...amik gula-gula dalam tepung..huhu hbs muke kene tepung...patutnye kene amik satu2..tp me gigit 2 biki terus...ekeke...ngelat=p we won...14 biji...ehehe..pastu acara bowling kelapa..huhu dr sukaneka kt kmpung lg, i mmg xreti bowling kelape..bukan setakat kelapa jer...nk bowl kt JJ/Greentown pon susah nk dpt strike..(xde a=la asyik masuk longkang jer =p) , but this time, w/p i score 0 pin..hehe..my teammates bjaye jatuhkn botol2 air tu...caya la!! total score 34 pins..hehe

last acara, acara tarik tali..ekeke..kelakar beb...poyo2 la nak teriak tahan/tarik for my team..alih2, xsampai pon 2 minit da kalah...huhu...but, i really enjoyed the games..w/p malam tu xcukup tido+penat byk keje...but,still had a good time together..

sebelah malam plak..Malam Anugerah...tema batik..(at first, tema era 60an..tp disebabkn ramai tgh pokai nak beli baju 60an..jd diorg tukar tema batik) so, mlm ni la nk tgk student bgaye cantik molek...smart encem bgaye...mcm2 style ade...paling bess, acara karoke...hehe..tak sangka my students ni rupernye ramai yang ade bakat terpendam...suare sedap...juara karoke Hidayah DMT8..suare mmg sodap...orgnye pon kecik molek jer...but, to me, the best performance goes to Kemek & Firdaus DMT7..mmg kelakar habis beb!!.. Firdaus yang i kenal, pendiam/pemalu org nyer..tp bile atas pentas...hahaha...xsangke boleh bersuare siap dengan aksi2 hebat lg...tahniah!!! yang i tertarik mlm tue, all the indian gurlz are wearing their traditional sari...so sweeeetttttttttt...cantekkkkkkkk...nak satu?? bile tengok diorg pakai, rase teringin nak pakai...kalo buat bj kurung mesti cantik kn? selepas acara penyampaian adiah, trus gerak ke bilik projek DMT6...observing my students...cian kene wat system balik...struggle for success...(^_^)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

how could this happen to me?

Malam ni tetibe rase macam-macam nak tulis kt blog ni...Bile i tengok someone dalam bilik ni, i teringat Kak Marcilla..sabar yer dear, semua yang terjadi mesti ade hikmah disebaliknya..selalunya, ia akan membawa kebaikan daripada kejahatan..
"Jika kita sbg hamba bersabar sebagaimana semestinya, maka ujianyang diturunkan kepada kita akan berubah menjadi suatu anugerah..Allah menurunkan cubaan itu bukan untuk membinasakan kita, sebaliknya untuk menguji sejauh mana kesabaran & ubudiah kita"

em cerita sadisss..

1) Duit RM800++ hilang

I admit..it was my mistake letak duit dlm laci yang tak berkunci...bilik pon mungkin kekadang tak berkunci..tapi, it never crossed my mind akan ade "insan yang tak bertanggungjawab" masuk my room...buka laci and amik duit tue..Actuallt, that money wasn't mine..itu duit buku student beli..so now, i have to pay for the books and luckily, the day after my money stolen, i dapat duit claim KESATRIA..Alhamdulillah, Tuhan nak tolong orang yang teraniaya ni..so dapatla i ganti balik duit yang ilang..My pray, "Semoga orang yang mencuri itu akan menerima balasan yang setimpal dengan perbuatannya.." My thots "Never expect people to think like us!!"

2) Sudah lama ku berkecil hati --> ala-ala lirik mawi
Emm..making a surprise is not always a good way to surprise people...but it sometimes could change to a big fool of you!! i dunno wut were they thinking when they're pretending in front of me that they are not a couple!!! Goshh!!! it was so damn "meluat!" untuk ditonton..dont ask me how i know everything...i just know...kalo nak dikira dari awal, banyak mende yang kantoi ..cume i malas nak pk...tapi, bile da ade depan mata...menyaksikan lakonan hebat oleh mereka...hati ni rase sunggu sedey sebab diorg sanggup berlakon dan menipu i macam-macam...God! Someone that i trust..someone i call a fren...gud fren...both of them are my fren..but, look wut they've done to me??? yerla, sape la kite ni...i know who i am...sedikit kuciwa bila ade kawan yg sanggup buat macam ni...My thots "Dont care about them if they dont care about you!!!" dun wanna know anything anymore..

3) Cry no more

Day by day, i keep thinking...why?why?why? dugaan dalam hidup ni kekadang unpredictable..ingtkan dalam drama jer ade..tapi in real life, tak sangka jadi pada diri sendiri.. huhu..mmg sangat2 tak sangka...not our fault..mungkin ade hikmah disebaliknya...

You're not alone # Together we stand # I'll be by your side # You know I'll take your hand When it gets cold # And it feels like the end # There's no place to go # You know I won't give in No, I won't give in...... Keep holding on # Cause you know we'll make it through # We'll make it through Just stay strong # Cause you know I'm here for you # I'm here for you There's nothing you can say # Nothing you can do There's no other way when it comes to the truth # So, keep holding on Cause you know we'll make it through # We'll make it through So far away # I wish you were here # Before it's too late # This could all disappear Before the door's closed # And it comes to an end # With you by my side #I will fight and defend I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah
Hear me when I say When I say "I believe..
Nothing's gonna change..
Nothing's gonna change destiny..
Whatever's meant to be...Will work out perfectly

Hopefully, one day i will know the end of my story.. (^_^)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

precious time together

i went to KL to attend a course--Linux Traning the Trainers for 2 weeks. It was such a relief to leave all my works in Taiping and had a good time in KL (^_^) I tido kat umah my aunty kt Desa Pandan..free of charge..hehe..Lagipun, dekat jer nak gi training kt OUM..sebelah KLCC..Linux? actually, that was my first experience using Linux. It was kinda hard for my mind to absorb everything..but i have too..we're using Linux Distribution-Ubuntu and for 2 weeks, we learnt about Ubuntu Server..coding here n there. huuuuw...balik Taiping jer trus luper...

on the weekend..the best weekend i ever had for this year..i spent my time with my collegues..Onie, Wanie, Nanie, Tinie and Fiza and not forgotten my lil sis Nini (nyibuk jer=p) we went to Sg.Congkak (mandi-manda riang ria..hehehe), shopping @Sogo (just grab anything nice and cheap =p)..watching movie together @Summit USJ ( Vacancy..horror movie errr )..had pizza @Seksyen14 PJ (yumm yumm dip-licious =p )...rindunyeeeeeeeeeeeee.. ntah biler leh gi KL lagi...huhu...